This letter of request to the boss is written when a managing employee (HR or Any Supervisor) considers it mandatory to ask the boss for new hiring to share the excessive workload.
Sample -1
I am writing this letter to make a request to you that the hiring of a new employee is compulsory now. We, being the managing staff of the company [Mention Name] have been facing some real issues due to the lack of certain staff. Since this branch is the baby branch of the company and we have a long way to go. This is my utter request to you that we should be provided with enough staff to take care of all the things aptly.
Here is a list of the problems we are encountering for this very reason:
- I have to stay in the office for more than my mentioned timing in order to avoid any mishap in case I leave on my departure time.
- It usually becomes hard to refuse if some worker asks for help in office stuff as there is no other suitable option they have.
- The workers are pointing out the disadvantages of working with us that never happened before.
If we hire the needed staff, I am very much positive that we will be able to generate even more positive outcomes than now. Since everyone will be at liberty to perform their task easily without any additional work to be looked at.
And if we are unable to hire the new staff I am afraid that at some point in time our super talented crew will start looking for other options. In this whole scenario, it will be only the company that will have to suffer the most of it.
I am quite hopeful that after going through this letter you will make quick decisions about new hiring.
Thanking you in anticipation!

Sample -2
I am writing this letter to request you for the new hiring. As you must know that one of our potential workers [Mention Name & Designation] has left the job for some of his personal reasons. We are badly in need of replacing him with an equally budding employee.
His work is being divided amongst his fellow workers but it is becoming difficult for them to meet their own targets when they have extra stuff to deal with. Being the supervisor of the team, I am getting a lot of complaints on a daily basis and cannot leave them unanswered.
Therefore, this is a sheer request to you to kindly take this matter into consideration and get the new employee to fill that gap as soon as probable. So that everyone could focus on their own tasks instead of worrying about the confused state they are in.
Hoping to hear the good news of the new employee getting interviewed and eventually hired!